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Requested by tessalucy. Cooper, Lila and Peter have all been kidnapped.

Currently, all three teens were sat, tied back to back in the middle of a random wearhouse somewhere in the city. They'd all seemingly been knocked over the head coming back from school seperatly. Apparently, it was, "lets see how many avenger's kids we can kidnap day."

"You're a psychopath." Lila managed to get out, with a little less than a shout of anger.

The kidnapper simply smiled, curning their stomach. "I perfer the term, creative." He said, making the shape of a rainbow with his hands. "Don't worry, it won't be long until we reach your parents."

Peter sighed. "They on a mission?"

The kidnapper stopped and paused for a moment. "...Yes..."

Peter gave a small eye roll and a nod of the head. "Thought as much. We'll wait."

The kidnapper gave a confused look but walked away, looking the kids in the eyes once more before locking the door behind him.

As he did, Peter groaned, throwing his head back. "This is the third time this WEEK. This is getting old real fast."

Lila let out a sigh, "What's our exist strategy?"

"Our what?" Peter asked, clueless.

Lila threw her head back, "Oh my god, we're all gonna die."

Cooper sighed and rolled his eyes. "We're not going to die."

"Oh really? What world are you living in? Carebear's?"

Cooper mocked his sister, "Peter has a way. He'll get out."

"More importantly, how do we get out?" Lila asked before shaking her hands that had been handcuffed. "Because if you haven't noticed, Coop." She said, strong emphasis on her brother's name. "We don't have superhuman strength and the only person who does, currently has vibrainium handcuffs on."

"Look, A is for...organization." Cooper pointed out.

Lila furrowed her eyebrows, trying to face her brother. "According to WHAT Alphebet?"

Peter shushed the pair. "I'm trying to think. But I can't do that with you two bickering."

Lila and Cooper shut up and Peter tried to think of a way to get them out without getting hurt, or, not hurt as much as they would if Peter didn't care about them getting hurt.

But, before he could come to a final decition, the doors opened back up. Lila looked over and saw the kidnapper again before rolling her eyes. "Oh great, you come to kill us? Bring us here to die?"


Cooper furrowed his brows. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."

The man didn't answer but simply walked back to where he had been stood before. "Thought of anything yet? I can garuntee that you haven't since, you can't break vibranium and these two." The man said, pointing at the brother and sister before bringing his hand to clasp over the other at the front of his body, "can't even break a simple metal since, well," He shrugged his shoulder. "don't have the same powers as you, do they?"

Peter was getting frustrated. He shook his head and rolled his eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. "What is this about for you? You want money? Codes? Secret insider information? Because I can tell you now, none of us know anything valuable and don't really own anything valuable - well, except that these two and their dad have named all the chickens after each Avenger, but that's it."

The kidnapper stood back with a confused gaze on his face and spoke quietly to Lila. "Really?"

Lila raised an eyebrow and gave a small shoulder-shrugg in agreement. "Yeah, but I'm telling you, Bucky and Sam, the chickens, not the people, do act like their human people."

The kidnapper gave a small hum in intregment. " learn something new every day."

But it wasn't long before he turned back to face Peter. "And to answer your questions, no, this isn't about finding out anything valuable to me, but for rather my enjoyment. You see-"

Peter rolled his eyes once more, "I'm just going to stop you there. I don't want to hear it. I've been in a situation like this three times already this week, and if you haven't noticed, I don't want this to become a track record to see how many times within a week I can get kidnapped. Look, all we want to do is go home. If you already know we're not valuable to you, just let us go, okay? Please, for both of our sakes."

The kidnapper raised an eyebrow. "You've been kidnapped before?"

Peter gave a sarcastic gasp. "Really? What gave it away?"

"And these two?"

Lila and Cooper shook their head. "No, this has never happened before." Lila answered, "But, I didn't want to do my homework anyway, this just allows me to stay away from it."

"And you?" He asked Cooper.

"Chores." Cooper nodded.

The kidnapper stood back once more. "So...literally NONE of you are scared?"

The teens did their best to look at one another before all coming to a unanimous agreement. "Yeah, pretty much."

The kidnapper pauesed for a moment. "Do you need, like, help? I can call a therepist if you'd like?"

"Nah, we're good." Lila smiled, looking towards him.

The kidnapper gave a "tried to be hidden" terrified look as he raised an eyebrow and slowly tried to back away.

"If you'd asked me a week ago, we probably would have said yes but right now, we've got someone better."

"Really? Who?"

Suddenly, the door slid open and Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Clint all stood on the opposite side. "Us."

The four of them ran inside, Clint and Steve running to break the handcuffs that tied them up. "This might hurt." Steve warned before breaking them off. Natasha chuckled Clint a pick and pin so he was able to remove Peter's handcuffs since nothing that they had on them could actually break the cuffs.

"You three okay?" Bucky asked.

They all nodded. "Yeah, we're fine."

"What time is it?" Peter asked before Steve pulled back his sleve, checking his watch.

"6:30, why?"

Peter ran over to the corner and picked up his backpack. "I might still be able to make it."

"Make it where?" Steve shouted down to him as Peter ran towards the doors of the wearhouse.

"A date!" Peter shouted back before running round the corner and swinging off into the distance.

Bucky looked back to Steve. "You know, I beginning to like that kid."

Steve chuckled, he mainly knew why since Peter had already been refereced to being a "mini Steve" without the serum before now. "Sure."

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