chapter 3

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Louis’ pov

Last night, Valarie told me not to go to her house and that she would meet me at mine as it was easier and closer to school. I told her I would be dropping my sisters off and she said that’s fine. I did the same routine as usual. Got up, made breakfast for me and my sisters. Got them dressed and then dressed myself and then we had a knock at the door and Valarie stood there. I introduced her to everyone and she seemed liked and then we started our walk to school and we dropped my sisters off and then I said bye to them and gave them a hug and then let them go in.

“You’re so good with your sisters” she says

“I know, they can be a pain. But I love them” I say and we walk to school

When we arrive we went to form and then we went straight to our first class which was Drama and I loved drama, Mrs Hardy told us about the new performances we were doing and it was Grease. My favourite movie of all time.

After drama, we went to where we usually go and while Valarie was talking to the girls, I made secret little glances and Stan noticed them and pulled me to one side.

“Do you like Valarie or something” he says

“No……where would you get that” I say

“Louis, I’m not stupid. I have been your best friend since we were 12 and I know you so well and I know when you like a girl” he says

“Okay yes I do” I say and take another glance

“Thought so” he says

“Okay is that bad” I say

“No it isn’t I happy for you, you should ask her out” he says

“But we have only known each other 2 days” I say

“Well wait a couple more weeks and then go for it mate” he says

“Okay, then” I say

We walked to the rest of the guys and girls and then the bell went for the middle lessons and we had maths and English and we sat and concentrated through both lessons and they went surprisingly quick. We went to the bench and we all talked and ate and then it soon became class time again and then home.

I walked Valarie home like I did yesterday and when we got to my house so walked the rest on her own and we agreed to walk again together and when I got in, I helped mum and did my homework and helped my sisters with there’s and we all had dinner before I went for a run. I passed Valarie’s house and the curtains were closed so I carried on with my run and then when I got home had a shower and put my sisters to bed and then went to bed myself.

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