chapter 81

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Louis’ pov

I woke up early as we all stayed in a hotel and me and Val shared a room. When we came third we were devastated. Last night we went out and celebrated but we knew we were on the x factor tour but we want to be recognized. Anyway we all got up and then made our way to Simon’s office, we went straight up, we knocked on the door and when I mean we I mean Liam, we went in and he told us to sit down.

“Morning boys, thank you for coming” Simon says

“Morning and what did you want to see us for” I say

“Well, girls all over the world love you, and I think as I said last night it’s not the end of you guys, so when we get back from tour you are going straight into that studio because I am offering you a studio deal and hoping you will sign to my record label” Simon says

“Wow, boys what should we do” Harry said

“Should we say yes” Niall says and we all nod

“Okay we will take it” Liam says and we sign and everything, we talk about the tour and how we will have our own tour bus and everything

“Wait, can I bring my girlfriend, as the boys know her and they love her” I say

“Boys, you okay with this” he says and they nod

“Will she disturb you” he says and I shake my head

“Okay then but you can tell her” I say and I run round and hug him

We all hug him goodbye and then we go to the hotel and we got Val and she looked scared

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