chapter 136

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Valarie's pov

So we are in Wellington today, and we were going to the beach, and I was looking forward to relaxing and getting a tan, we all woke up and got ready and we got in the van that took us to the beach. We arrived at the beach and me and Danielle sat our towels down and lay down and then I heard splashing coming from the water and I saw the boys in the water. I was so relaxed when I'm picked up and chucked into cold water. I screamed and when I rose to the surface I saw a smirking Louis, I went over and kissed him and lowered my hand so his balls and palmed him a little before I walked away

and lay back down. My body was covered with someone's shadow and I looked up to see Louis again and he picked me up and we found somewhere private and we had a little fun teasing and we promised each other when we are on our own we would have some time alone.

When we left the beach we went and got the boys ready for their concert and me and Danielle cooked dinner, and then when the boys came back we sat down, tomorrow we were going on break and the boys would be writing their album so I wouldn't see Louis a lot but I would in the evening. I fell asleep in peace that night.

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