chapter 6

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so today is the day we find out what my dad gets as a sentence, against him beating me for the death of my mother, I woke up and Louis came in like he always does and tried to calm down as best as possible. He left me to then get changed and I wore my suit as it was court. I went downstairs and saw Jay and Louis in a suit and then the girls in their uniforms. We all had breakfast and then dropped the girls at school and then made our way to the court.

When we arrived and we got out the car everyone kept trying to ask us questions and cameras were flashing and Louis just grabbed me and Jay and took us inside fighting his way through the camera’s and when we got inside we went to the desk and the lady told us where to go. We went up the stairs and got outside the room and my lawyer took me in and also took Jay and Louis to their seats. Louis kissed me and wished me luck and said everything would be okay and then sat behind the glass with Jay. My lawyer then ran me through everything and then the case started.

"Order in Court" the court clerk says and we all stand as the judge enters the court room

"In the supreme court of England at Parliament Square London this 14th day of July 2008 Calling her Majesty the queen against Derek Brown" The court clerk says

"You may be seated" the Judge says and we all do

"Are all parties present" The judge says

All Crown stand

“Yes My Lady. I am Julie and these are my friends Chris and Rachel. We are acting on behalf of The Crown in this matter.” The crown says and the defence stands

“My Lady. I am Rebecca and these are my friends Richard and Amy. We are acting on behalf of the Accused, Derek Brown” the defence say and they sit

“Will the accused stand” the court clerk says and the clerk, defence and the evil man I called my father stood

“Derek Brown you are being changed with one offence. This being that once your wife was killed in a car accident that you blamed your daughter and beat her many times. Are you guilty or not guilty” the court clerk says

“Not guilty” he says

“The accused has pleaded not guilty, my lady” the court clerk says

“Alright then. Are counsel ready to proceed with this trial?” the judge says and the defence and crown say ‘Yes my Lady’

“I will just take a moment to address the jury.” She says and turns to the jury

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Before beginning this trial, I am going to make a few comments about your role here today. As the judge in this case, it is my role to interpret and judge the law. As the jury, you are the judges of the facts and it is your duty to assess the evidence that is presented by the witnesses today. There are two other principles that are important to your role as jurors. They are the presumption of innocence and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Derek Brown is presumed to be innocent until the Crown has satisfied you beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty. The responsibility is on the Crown to prove each element of the crime. Derek Brown has been charged with beyond a reasonable doubt. Because of the presumption of innocence, Derek Brown is not required to prove he is not guilty or to explain the evidence presented by the Crown. Derek Brown is charged with one crime. In order for you to find him guilty of unlawful exploitation under s. 279.04 of the Criminal Code, the Crown must prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt: that the accused did, cause the complainant, Valarie Brown, his own daughter, that she was beat because her mother died in a car accident a few years before and would be threatened if she went to the police or told anyone. I note to you that he has to have “reasonably believed” that his safety or the safety of a person known to him was threatened - this means the Crown has to show that a reasonable person, would fear for their safety or that of someone they know. In order to find Derek Brown Guilty of beating his daughter for the death of her mother a few years ago under s. 279 of the criminal code, the crown must prove to following elements a reasonable doubt: that on the day Derek Brown was confined imprisoned or forcibly seized Valarie Brown. What it does require is an intentional deprivation of liberty to move about. These charges are not related to each other; you may find that the accused is guilty of both offences, neither offence, and just one offence. I will discuss these matters with you further in my charge to you after the Crown and defence have had their opportunity to present their cases. I will now call the Crown to begin their case.” The judge says and Julie stands and goes to the lectern

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