chapter 140

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Valarie's pov

Okay so we are in East Rutherford which is in the United States of America well its located in new jersey but that's just my geography knowledge and the internet. Anyway the boys wanted to go see a game of America football today which me and Danielle weren't so pleased about so we decided we would say at the bus. Louis kept begging me to go and that's what he was doing right now

"Babe please come, I'll buy you anything you want please" he says attaching himself to my arm

"No Louis I want to stay back at the bus with Danielle because the game wont interest me at all so what the point in me going and also you need time with the lads you see me enough as it is" I say

"But baby" he says

"Louis, babe, please go have some fun with the lads for one day" I say

"Fine, but once I get back I'm getting a really long kiss and a very long hug" he says

 "Fine" I say

He smiles and gets off his knees and gives me a kiss on the lips before making his way out the door with all the lads, me and Danielle had planned to do baking, cooking and have a mini movie day to ourselves.

Later that afternoon the boys came back and as louis wanted a long kiss and hug he got it, he told me all about his day with the lads and thanked me for making him go on his own and I said he was welcome.

The boys then went and got ready for the concert and we said good luck to them before they went on stage. When they came back we all ate dinner and watched a couple of movies before we all went to sleep in peace.

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