chapter 161

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Valarie's pov

Okay so the boys are doing their last concert today, and they couldn't wait to get home as Zayn and Liam were missing their girls and the other two were missing their families. Me and Louis on the other hand were missing having sex and also missing our bed. We decided not to go anywhere today but we were going to pack and make sure we had everything and then clean the bus and make sure it was how we got it.

We all did our part and when the boys went to go on stage everything was spotless, the boys went and got ready for the concert and me and Paul got the bags in the Van that would take us to the airport. Dylan was in his cage and we took him into the arena where the boys were. I said good luck to them and they went out

When they came off the stage they had a quick shower and we were allowed to go to the loo and we had to get in the van and go home. When we arrived we got on our plane and we left. Me and Louis snuggled together and went to sleep

When we landed we were awake, we got our bags in the van and it took us home. Me and Louis were dropped off first and we left our bags at the door and went to bed as we were so tired. We snuggled together and went to sleep instantly as we were so tired and jet lagged

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