chapter 31

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Valarie’s pov

Okay we go on Easter break today and I am so excited because Jay said we are going away for Easter and it’s the first holiday I have had since my mother died. Dad said we could never afford it but he could afford beer. I never had anything new unless my grandmother brought it for me who is unfortunately dead now as she died of old age. It was such a hard time for me because she used to spoil me so much. I didn’t just love her because of that, I loved her love she gave me and she treated me with such care. Unlike my dad the worthless piece of shit, and yes I know I shouldn’t really be saying that considering he created me but he abused me so why should I care about him.

Anyway I got up this morning and got ready and so did Louis and Jay was already up when we got up and we ate breakfast and made sure we had everything and then got on the bus to go to college. We arrived and went straight to our lessons and said we would meet at lunch. When I got to my class I saw Lola all happy and smiley.

“What’s got you all happy” I say

“Well, Stan is taking me away for Easter” she says

“Oh my god, do you know where you’re going” I say

“No, he won’t tell me” she says

“Don’t worry, boys will be like that remember when Louis didn’t tell me where we were going and we ended up going to Paris” I say and she nodded

We did our work and then all met for lunch and then went to our last lessons and after that we went and met the boys and we all got on the bus and went home and I said to Lola hope you have a nice time wherever she was going and she thanked me and then we went our separate ways. When we got home, we started packing as we leave on Sunday and it was Friday today. When we did a little packing Louis put the case on the floor and we went down for dinner and then watched films snuggled in bed together.

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