chapter 126

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Louis' pov

So we are in Sheffield today and I was looking forward to it because the family were coming to our concert tonight as we couldn't come to Doncaster. Which I was a bit upset about but I couldn't do anything about it so I had to live with it, anyway as I was saying we are in Sheffield and me and Val were going to meet the family today and spend a bit of time with them before the concert actually started. So I woke up this morning early and made breakfast for everyone and then I woke Valarie up and we had our breakfast and got ready and left a note what to do with breakfast before we got in the minivan and we drove in to town to meet the family.

When we arrived they were sitting outside and I got attacked with hugs and so did Val, we all went inside and chatted away and then we decided to go to park and get ice cream, the girls really did miss us. We decided we had to go and practise and we said we would see them later and we went back to the arena. When we arrived I went and practised and Valarie went and sat in the front with Danielle who was with Dylan, we finished practise and got ready before we had to go on stage.

We finished the concert and then we all went out for dinner which we paid for and then we said goodbye to the girls and the rest of the family before we got on the bus and went to our next place which was Cardiff

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