chapter 11

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Louis’ pov

Okay so today we go on study leave before our final GCSE’s which is good because at least we get some time to study even though me and Valarie have been studying since the end of our mocks as we would probably get more in. Today we had to go into school though but we got to dress up and then have a small party after. Me and Valarie were going as superman and superwoman as we wanted a pair costume and we thought that would be a good idea to do. We got up early and got showered and then got in our costumes and we walked down the stairs and had some photos taken.

We soon left as our group were going superheroes themed except me and Valarie were a couple and so were Stan and Lola everyone else was solo. So Stan and Lola went as batman and robin as well.

We all turned up and then we all walked in and showed everyone and then we changed and then went to our lessons and they said goodbye to us and gave us lectures and then we got back into costume and then went to the party which was the best of course

When we got home we got straight into our Pyjamas and then laid in bed and watched a couple of films to wind down before the revision starts again and we started our GCSE’s in a week and we both hoped that we would do well. We both want to go to college, I want to become a teacher but if I can’t I want a singing career but unless I sign up for x factor or a singing contest then it may not happen. I’m going to talk to Val tomorrow about it.

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