chapter 181

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Louis' pov

So it's been a day since Shannon was born and she is such a quiet baby. She sleeps straight through the night and she is perfect. she has my blue orbs and she has Val's hair. I was sat on the sofa with him and the doorbell went. Val went to the door and opened it

"Hey guys and girls" she says

"Hi we came to see the new member of the family" I hear Perrie says

"Well she is just through here" she says and everyone follows and says hi to me. Val sits next to me and Shannon starts to cry.

Sky looked at me and I grabbed the blanket off the sofa and she put it over her shoulder and covered Shannon up and slipped down her top and started to feed her Once Shannon was done, I grabbed Joe and Bree sorted herself out and then I grabbed the towel and burped her

"Now she has been fed can I hold my god daughter" Perrie says

"Sure you can Pez" Val says and I laid Shannon in Perrie's arms

She cradled her and Shannon's eyes shut and he soon was asleep. I smiled at Val and she kissed my lips.

"Please none of that you have just had a baby, we don't need another on the way yet" Harry says

"Oh shut up Harry they were only kissing" Dani says

"Yeah and I was joking" he says

"Well I was only saying" she replies

"Yeah..." Val cuts Harry off

"Pack it in the pair of you, do you want to wake Shannon" Bree says and they both shut up

Everyone managed to hold Shannon and then he got back to me and Val and I decided that I would take Shannon up to his room and put him to bed. Val agreed and I picked him up out of Val's arms. I walk up the stairs and I open him door, Val's room was pink and had white changing table, crib and curtains, I put her in her crib and covered her over with the pink blanket in her bed. I grabbed the little teddy bear Simon gave her and put it next to her and kissed her forehead and closed the curtains and closed the door softly. I made my way downstairs and everyone had bags.

"Ok so here is a few things for Val" Perrie says and gives us some bags, there was baby grows, bottles and the cutest top that said Mummy's little prince and daddy's monster

When the boys and girls left someone else's car turned up and I saw my mum and sisters and new brother and sister and Dan. They all came in and I heard the baby monitor go, Val went to see what was up and then 5 minutes later came down with Shannon. Everyone had a hold and mum was so happy to have a granddaughter. They said they were staying at a local hotel and leaving tomorrow. They all said bye to Shannon and Val, and left.

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