chapter 87

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Louis’ pov

So we are in Manchester for the next two days which meant Hotel, yay a proper bed with a room to myself with Val of course, we got off the bus and went to our room and then we got ready to go have a look around and then we went to the arena where we were performing, every time I saw Val look at me with the camera I couldn’t help but smile and try to keep a straight face, it was so hard and I knew they were going on our website.

We all came off and I attacked her in kisses and hugs and then I took a selfie with just us too and then we took a giant selfie with the camera. We didn’t want to put that on the website even though they knew we were dating, but for hate purposes and there haven’t been any yet. We then went on after we got ready and we performed and then went back to the hotel and we cuddled. Well me and Val did, we had 3 rooms between us. It was me and Val, then Liam and Niall and then Harry and Zayn, all we could hear was Harry and Zayn and then we got a knock at the door and Val answered it to a tired Niall and an angry Liam

“Will you tell them Val” he says

“I can try, Niall why don’t you crash on the sofa for a little and I’ll wake you up if there quiet” she says and goes and tells them to shut up and Niall sits next to me and crashes

Val comes back 5 minutes later and says they will be quiet and then she wakes Niall and he goes back to bed, Liam thanks her and then they say night and so do I and then we cuddle up in bed and fall asleep

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