chapter 16

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Valarie’s pov

Today we leave London and go back to Doncaster, which was sad but I missed everyone up there and I’m sure Louis did as well. We got our stuff packed as we had to be out of the hotel by 12, and it was now 9am. We both had showers this morning and packed our stuff and put them by the door and ordered some breakfast and then washed those up before we called for a taxi and then went down and checked out and Louis paid the bill. I offered to pay some towards it but he said no because it was on his and that he arranged it. Our taxi then arrived and we put our stuff in the boot and climbed in the back.

We talked but silently all the way to Doncaster and when we arrived and we got to the house, Louis paid and we grabbed our bags and then the driver set back off and we went up and unlocked the door and walked in and we were tackled to the ground by everyone.

“Did you have a nice time” Jay said

“Yeah we did” I say

We told them what we did while we were in London and then we went and put all our stuff in the wash and then went and had a sleep as we had a long ride home. That night we spent time with the family and watched TV and cooked dinner for them. We cooked meatballs which they loved.

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