chapter 50

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Louis’ pov

There was something wrong with Val and it wasn’t just that she was on her period. I could sense it, I was going to ask her today and if I didn’t get an answer I would ask the girls to ask me and report back to me. I woke up and went in the bathroom and had a shower and then Val woke up and looked sad.

“Babe what’s wrong” I say

“It’s nothing Lou” she says

“Babe it is, what’s wrong just tell me” I say

“Okay, I’m frightened that girls will be all over you when we go back to college as your driving and they all think its sexy and that you’ve got a car it’s so much better” she says

“Bae, you shouldn’t be worrying about that. Look yes it may be sexy to them but there is only one girl I see out of everyone and that is you. Never forget that” I say and kiss her lips

I told her to get dressed as we were going to London for a trip today, I said I would buy her stuff and there were no exceptions. We arrived and then went shopping and then I brought her loads. While we were on the way back she was reading a new book she brought, it was called the fault in our stars and it looked and sounded interesting from what I heard. I might read it. We arrived home and unpacked everything we brought and then spent time with my family. It was really nice to have family time. 

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