chapter 169

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Valarie's pov

So today me, Dani, Perrie and Jay also were going dress shopping for the dresses. The tommo sisters couldn't make it for school reasons but we knew we had to find a dress that would fit their style as well. I woke up and Louis wasn't in bed and I looked around but then heard the shower. 5 minutes later he popped his head out from behind the door.

"Good morning Love" he says

"Morning boobear" i say

"You alright" he says coming out in a towel

"Yeah need to go get ready for dress fitting and stuff" I say getting out of bed and walking over kissing his cheek and walking into the bathroom to have a shower and get ready. When I came out I folded my clothes up and did my make-up and then walked out of our room and downstairs and Louis was looking on his laptop with his glasses on with a notepad and a pen behind his ear. I walked up behind him and placed my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"What are you up to then" i say

"Just looking at honey moon destinations" he says taking of his glasses and placing them on top of his head and taking the pen out behind his ear and sitting me on his lap

"Oh really where did you have in mind Mr Tomlinson" i say

"Well I thinking Hawaii" he says

"I would be happy with Hawaii" i say

"Well Hawaii it is then and we can go for two weeks" he says

"well that is wonderful anyway I need a cup of tea and some toast and then I must dash because I have to go to the dress shop" i say getting off his lap setting two mugs out and placing toast in the toaster and then eating it and drinking my tea while Louis booked the honeymoon. I finished breakfast gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off saying I would give him a proper kiss later.

I arrived at the dress shop and everyone was here and we saw the perfect dress for bride's maids and me and got them ordered in and then we left and got lunch. Then I went home, when I got there Louis was asleep on the sofa, I smiled and grabbed the blanket off the back of the sofa and laid it on top of his, I kissed his forehead and walked into the kitchen and made a cup of tea for us both and when it was done I made my way into the living room and put the cups on the table and Louis' eyes opened and he asked about my day and I said it was fine and asked him about suit fitting and he said it was good. I cooked us dinner that night and then once we washed up we went straight to bed as we were both tired from a hard day. I just hope Louis loves my dress

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