chapter 128

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are back in London today, then we were off to Dublin. Niall was looking forward to Ireland but who can blame him he is Irish after all. Anyway I was the first one to wake up, so I decided I would make breakfast for everyone. I decided on pancakes this morning so I did the batter and started making the pancakes and that's when Val came out. She kissed my cheek and helped me, she put strawberries, blueberries, banana, mango, pineapple, apple, oranges, grapes and many more fruit and mixed it together and put it on the table, she also put syrups and other things on the table and I put the pancakes on the table and everyone came out and we ate together.

We then decided to go drop off some clothes and do some washing and stuff and change our clothes for the other days and then we went back to the bus. We then went and practised and got ready for the show and then messed about until it was time to go on. When we finally went on, we sang our songs and asked twitter questions. We did leap frog and I jumped straight over harry and landed on my feet, and everyone was amazed. We then went back to the bus and had a fantastic meal before we had to catch our flight to Dublin.

When we were on the plane, Val fell asleep so I lifted the arm rest and let her lean onto me and I covered her with the blanket and then I fell asleep as well

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