chapter 61

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Valarie’s pov

Its new year’s today and as Louis was 18 he was going to go to the club but the only problem was that I’m still 17 so he pulled out to be with me and the family which I found really sweet. I said I would have gone if I wasn’t the age I am, plus I told him I was scared something would happen and he tried to comfort me by saying nothing would ever happen. But he said he would still stay in and we could have our own celebration. So we are just setting up at the moment and are listening to music while getting ready. We were in our pyjamas and relaxing, we soon sat down and talked and watched films and TV shows until it came to 11:00 and we switched it over to the New Year celebration. The fray was currently singing how to save a life and me and Louis joined in. I never noticed how good Louis was and I suggested he should go on x factor maybe and he said he would think about it.

It was now 5 to 12 and we were all getting ready and then when 12 came me and Louis kissed each other to wish each other happy new year and I gave everyone a hug, the twins had just fallen asleep and Jay and mark took them upstairs and then came back down and we had Champaign and drinks. The girls all went to bed not song after we finished the song they usually sang and then so did we. I snuggled into Louis when we got in to bed as it was so cold. He wrapped his arms round me and kissed my head and then we both out like lights

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