chapter 52

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Louis’ pov

Okay so it was the last day of half term and we had to get our bags and everything ready for tomorrow, I woke up and so did Val and we had breakfast and then got our bags ready and everything done and made sure we had no homework and we didn’t luckily. We said we would pick up Stan and Lola as well and then we sat and had fun with the girls, Valarie said she wanted a job so she decided she would look on the internet. While she was doing that I was playing dolls with Daisy and Phoebe and they said I was doing it wrong so I stopped playing.

Valarie said she couldn’t find a job anywhere and I said that there will be one that will pop up somewhere and then it hit me, mum will need a baby sitter while she is at work as she is going back to work soon, I suggested it to Val and she said she would think about it and then give it a go. That night we cooked again and then they all enjoyed it and we went to bed early so we would be ready and fresh in the morning

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