chapter 160

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Louis' pov

Today we decided before our concert in Orlando we were going to go to Lake Eola park, not only so Dylan could go for a long walk but so we can have a kick about with a football and also me and Valarie can go for a walk on our own as we never get an private time. We woke up and all had breakfast and all got ready and then left.

When we arrived at the park we all got out and the boys grabbed the ball and Valarie was going to take Dylan for a walk, I decided I was going to go with Valarie first. She looked absolutely beautiful today, not that she doesn't every day, but today she didn't have any make-up on and was in one of my baseball shirts and a pair of white shorts. She had her white Vans on as well and was wearing her Ray-bans. How did I get so lucky? Anyway when we had finished our walk with Dylan we went back and I went and joined the boys in their game.

When it was lunch we all went and sat down and ate, me and Val was cuddled together, I had my arms wrapped round her and she was sitting in between my legs. Dylan was sitting with Niall and having a proper fuss and was loving it.

When we were leaving, and got back we all went and got ready for our 2nd to last concert and we were all pumped, we did as we told which was unusual for us but anyway we went on but before we did I got my kiss and hug as per usual and we went on. When we came off we ran to the bus and had dinner, we played some games and celebrated as it was our last night on the road as we were going home tomorrow and I could not wait. Not that I didn't like being on the road but I wanted my own bed.

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