chapter 96

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so are in the fabulous London today, this place brought back so many memories. Not just for me but for Louis too. It was where we can on the night of our 5 month anniversary and the night after our prom. I remember like it was yesterday.

Flash back

 When Louis and me arrived I was shocked that he would do this for our 5 months. It was a surprise and when we were watching a film yesterday he said everyone knew except me and I was upset but he made it up to me, by ordering room service and cuddling me. That night we went to sleep in peace in each other’s arms. However this morning I wasn’t in them, instead I heard singing come from the en suite bathroom, I sat up and just sat there listening, and then my phone buzzed and I looked at it and saw Lola text me

Hey Val, how was last night. Hope you had fun but not to much fun xx

Hey Lo, yeah last night was great and we got up to nothing like that. I can’t believe he brought me to London xx

Neither could I when he told us, you too are happy and he and you fit, enjoy the rest of your time in London xx

We will thanks Lo see you when we get back xx

Yeah see you when you get back xx

I put my phone back on the side and Louis came out and I smiled and he came over and kissed my lips

“You have a beautiful singing voice by the way” I say

“You heard that” he says and I nod

“Yeah your singing is lovely, amazing. Indescribable” I say

“So, now you have heard me sing, do you think x factor is a chance” he says

“I think you should do college just in case something happens then go on it. Not that anything will happen but maybe yeah give it a shot” I say

“I was thinking college then x factor then I have a backup if anything goes wrong” he says

I got out of bed and left him to get dressed and went into the bathroom and had a shower myself and then brushed my teeth and made my way into the bathroom and Louis wasn’t there again. I got dressed and when I exited our bedroom I saw a fest in the kitchen that he had ordered. There were loads and we ate most of it.

That day we went exploring round London and we went to madern tussauds and the London eye and the London eye was amazing. That night we watched movies and fell asleep in peace.

End of flashback

It was special because that was the day I first heard him sing and he thought about x factor and now look where he is, he is in a band, about to go in the studio and came third on the x factor and I am so proud of him.

I woke up and started making breakfast and surprisingly enough Louis was the first on up this morning.

“Good morning babe” he says

“Good morning Sexy” I say and I gave him a cup of tea and he stood there looking out the window

“This place brings back so many memories” he says and I nod

“Yeah it does” I say

Soon the boys came out and we all ate and then we had a little shopping trip before they went and practised for the show and then came back and had a little rest before they had to go back and change and do all the usual stuff.

When they came back, we all ate dinner and then we sat and watched a film and did a twit cam as well for the fans.

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