chapter 4

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Valarie’s pov

Last night after I had made dinner for me and my dad, I got a text from Louis saying he ran past mine earlier and saw the curtains were closed and wanted to check if I was okay. I said I was and that we were watching a program which was a complete lie. I never did like lying about the truth. The only truth that anyone knows about me is that my mum got killed in a car accident. I wanted to tell people but I just couldn’t, it was too hard and I didn’t want people to judge and then walk away and never be friends with me again. There was another thing I did as well that no-one knows not even my dad, but he wouldn’t even care. I cut myself and I know it is harming me but I deserve it, well I think I do anyway. It hurts but it makes me feel so much better. When I go out, I always wear long sleeves and in the summer I wear bracelets.

Anyway I woke up this morning and got ready for school and made breakfast for me and my dad and he didn’t like it so he punched me in the cheek and I had a brews forming but I couldn’t put make-up over it as he told me to get out the house, so I do and I walked to Louis’. I knew he would ask wahat happened. When I arrived his mum answered and I said hi to her and then Louis came down and saw my cheek

“Val, what happened” he says

“It’s nothing Louis” I say

“No you have a brews please tell me” he says

“I wish I could tell you” I say with tears in my eyes

“Valarie, come here” he says and brings me into a hug and we sit on the sofa and mum phones in the school and say we were sick and then took the twins to school and we sat on the sofa.

“So are you going to tell me” he says

“Dad beats me. You know I said my mum died in a car accident well that is true but he has always blamed it on me and said that I killed her and he has always punished me for it, even though I did nothing and there is another thing. I cut myself” I say

“Oh Val” he says and puts me in his arms again

That’s when I completely broke down and Jay came in, she saw us and asked what was wrong and I told her everything

“We should go to the police about this” she says

“I wish we could….but” I say

“But what” she says

“I will be killed by him, he will find me” I say

“No he won’t” she says

“Why do you say that” I say

“Well you can stay here if you wish” she says

“I don’t want to intrude” I say

“No it’s no bother” she says

“Can I think about it” I say and she nods and she leaves the room and Louis turns to me

“So….I know this probably isn’t the best time, but Valarie. I really like you and I mean really like you. So will you maybe be my girlfriend” he says

“Oh Louis, of course I will and for the record I really like you too” I say and he smiles and hugs me

“I will help you and protect you, so will you move in” he says and I nod and he smiled and kisses my lips

“I’ll go tell mum” he says and goes off and I smile

He comes back in and smiles,

“We need to go get your stuff and mum said you can be in my room or your own” he says

“Can I have my own possibly” I say

“Sure” he says

We go to my house and pack everything quickly and go back to his and Jay had the room ready and it was perfect, me and Louis unpacked and everything, then we had dinner and came upstairs and watched movies. I can’t believe Louis is my boyfriend and then he went to his room and went to bed and so did I. It felt comfy and I went to sleep in peace.

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