chapter 163

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Louis' pov

So today is the release date of the album, which we decided to be called, take me home, and we were all excited that it was going to be released to the fans. When I gave a copy too Val she got so excited and listened to it non-stop. Anyway as I was saying its release date and we were all so scared because what if the girls don't like the album. Anyway I need to get over it, we were all going down to sign the albums and have chats with the fans and I was looking forward to that. I woke up and found Val still sound asleep snuggled into my side. I smiled and kissed her head and climbed out of bed and went into the shower and got clean and then went back into the bedroom to get ready. I made myself a quick cup of tea and wrote Val and note and left to the signing.

When we arrived we all climbed out and all the paps surrounded us, we all got in quickly and sat in our seats and then the signing began. We signed album after album and talked to fan after fan. Soon we were allowed to leave so I went for a quick shop and went and got Val a nice bunch of roses, she always loves roses and also some chocolates.

When I arrived home I went and Dylan bounded to the door, and I gave him a fuss. I went into the kitchen and found my beautiful girlfriend have a cup of tea and reading the paper so I wrapped my arms round her and she smiled.

"These are for you" I say and kiss her cheek

"Oh baby, you shouldn't have" she says and kisses my lips

"Well I thought I would" I say and give her the flowers and chocolates

She put the chocolates in the fridge and put the flowers in a vase. She then started to cook dinner until I said I would do it, she smiled and she looked tired so I told her to go for a sleep. When dinner was ready I woke her back up and we had dinner and then watched a film. I loved these sort of nights

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