chapter 119

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in London and we were here for two days so today we were staying at our own flats after the concert, our own bed for one night. Even if the bus beds are kind of comfy. Anyway we woke up and packed an overnight bag and then decided to take all the dirty stuff back to the house so we could wash them but Val and me got some new clothes so we could wear them. We went back to our flat and had a bit of a rest before we went and did the concert.

When we came back, I picked Val up bridal style and she started laughing and when I got in I pushed her against the wall and started to snog her. I told her to jump and she did and I took her to our room. I closed the door with my foot when I got there and I laid her on the bed and climbed on top kissing her softly. I started to fiddle with her top and then I took it off and she took off mine, I then went down to the button of her jeans and slipped them off and she did the same with me. I then went to her bra and kneaded her breasts and then I leaned her up while sucking her neck and took the bra off and chucked it somewhere and kissed down her breasts and got to her panties and I started to finger her through her panties

"I see someone wants me" I say as she was getting wet

I lowered my mouth to the band of her panties and took them off with my teeth and then she picked them off, I kissed up her legs until I got to her swollen opening and stuck my tongue in and she moaned.

"Oh baby that feels so good" she says

"Oh Louis" she moans again

I continue until she says she was about to blow and I pull out and she starts to swear and I calm her down and enter her suddenly, I started to rock my hips and she kissed my lips to say sorry and I forgave her and continued. She suddenly flipped us over and started to rock her hips against mine but turned round and rode me. It was so good we decided to do other positions, like she got me to kneel on the bed and she sat on me and thrusted for England. It was so nice to do different positions.

When we were at our highs we released and then went to sleep, in each other's arms it felt good to be active with Val after so long.

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