chapter 170

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Valarie's pov

I can't believe this is Happening; I'm getting Married today, to the love of my life. I looked at myself in the mirror, Lottie had done my make-up, Lou had done my hair and everything was perfect. My dress was long and strapless. Dani stood next to me and began to comfort me

"Val everything will be fine you are marrying Louis, the love of your life stop being worried" she says

"But what if it isn't Dani what if something goes wrong" i say

"Don't think like that" she says and we leave for the wedding

Louis' pov

Oh my god i have never been as nervous in my life then i am now. I am getting married to the love of my life. I can't even tie my tie properly luckily i am at mums and i have to get her to do my tie.

"Mum I'm so nervous" i say

"I know you are boo bear but you're marrying the love of your life and that's all that matters"

"Thanks mum" i say and give her a hug

"No problem let's get you to your wedding"

We got in the car and when we arrived at the church no one was here everything was perfect now just the wedding, wedding reception and then honeymoon.

1 hour later

She is arriving any minute now. She is walking through the car park and i can hear her coming

"All rise for the bride" the priest said

The music started and Bree was walking down the aisle with her dad to give her away we shared a quick kiss and stood at the alter

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Louis William Tomlinson and Valarie Grace Brown if anyone objects to this marriage please says now or forever hold you peace"

"Okay now Louis do you take Valarie to be your lawful wedded wife will you hold her, comfort her, love her till death do you both part" the priest says

"I do" i say

"Valarie do you take Louis to be your lawful wedded husband, will you hold him, comfort him, love him till death do you both part" he says

"I do" she says

"Now for the vows I understand that Louis and Valarie have written their own so Louis" he says

"Well Val, when I first met you, you were new to school and I made you feel so welcome and we instantly clicked as friends. Then I slowly got a crush on you and then we started going on things happened with your dad and you came to live with us and it made me so happy and then I went on x factor and came back with 3rd place and you were happy and then we went on a tour and then another and you were so supportive and I really wanted to ask you sooner and then I finally had and I was so happy I did cause I love you so much" I say

"Now Valarie" the priest says

"Well Louis those vows were breath-taking. When you asked me out you had just found out about my dad and you supported me so much and so did your family and they treated us so well, I couldn't be happier when they said we could be together. You went on x factor and I got a little bit upset but I got to see you and you came back 3rd and I was so proud of you and the boys. Then you took me on tour with you twice and we moved to London and you treat me like royalty and I love you so much" she says and i feels some tears come and she wipes them away, I also wipe hers.

"So now Louis do you defiantly take Valarie to be your wife" he says

"I do" I say

"And Valarie do you defiantly take Louis to be your husband" he says

"I do" she says

"Now with the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife and you may kiss the bride" he says and I say

"I love you" and kiss her lips

"I love you too" she says once we start to walk down the aisle I stop

Wait if we are going to do this properly we will "and I pick her up bridal style

Valarie's pov

We arrive at the wedding reception and we have dinner and do speeches and it gets to Louis'

"well Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls I would like to thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate mine and Valarie's marriage and to say I am married and I cannot believe it, I would like to thank all the boys and girls and you guys for supporting us, I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't. Valarie was there for every one of my problems and I am grateful for that and I would like to say I love you Valarie Tomlinson" he says and everyone cheers and I kiss his cheek

We dance all night and then it's time for the first dance, we picked hey there Delilah by the plain white T's because it was Louis x factor song and it represents us. I love it and he loves it.

The night went quickly and we went to the wedding suit and there our suitcases sat for tomorrow and that's when we changed and went to sleep. I got in next to Louis and he says

"I love you Valarie Tomlinson" and I smile and reply

"And I love you Louis Tomlinson" I say and we fall asleep

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