chapter 150

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Valarie's pov

Okay so we are San Jose today and me and the boys decided we would stay in today as we felt there wasn't much to do today plus we had to do a bit of packing before we left for home as we would be finishing the tour in 10 days. I know it doesn't seem like it's been long at all. Plus I could not wait to be in the comfort of my home where I had privacy and my own bed. So what I decided to do today was do a bit of cleaning and putting things in cases so it was partly ready, most of it was clean so what I did was put the dirty stuff in a dustbin bag so I knew what was clean and what was dirty. Which was helpful, the boys also decided to do a bit of packing as well. Then we all crashed on the sofa until they had to go perform

While they were performing I decided to cook dinner, I just made something really quickly while they were performing and then when dinner was ready they walked through the door, I got them too set the table while I dished up, I had done the majority of the washing up, so they didn't have to do much. When they were done we all went to bed as we were so tired.

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