chapter 5

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Valarie’s pov

I woke up from a peaceful night sleep and realised that I was at Louis’ as I moved in and the girls were all happy that I was here but didn’t realise why I was staying here. I then heard a knock on the door and I said come in and Louis came in,

“Well good morning my beautiful girl” he says and kissed my lips and I kissed back

“Morning Lou” I say

“Oh so you get beautiful and I get Lou” he says and sulks

“Oh I’m sorry baby, good morning Handsome” I say and he smiles

“Better” he says and kisses my lips

I get up and he leaves the room and I go into the en-suite bathroom it had and got dressed and washed and then left the room and made my bed and opened my curtains and left the room. I went downstairs and Louis was cooking breakfast and I kissed his cheek and he was fully dressed. We had breakfast and then left the house and took the girls to school and Louis entwined our fingers. They knew we were dating now as well.

We got to school and our group were standing at the gates and Lola smiled at me

“So you two finally dating” Stan says

“Yes we are mate” Louis says

“Oh Val I’m so happy for you” Lola says

“Thanks Lo” I say and she hugs me

We all went into class and acted all loved up, everyone noticed we were all loved up and said congratulations to us and then by the time, break came and then lunch it was the end of the day. We left for home and before we walked through the door I saw my dad and he screamed and ran after me and we slammed the door quickly and he kept banging on the door. Jay opened the door and told him to fuck off and he pushed out the way and she banged into the wall. She was really hurt and I helped her to the sofa and Louis stood up and told my dad he shouldn’t have done that and punched him

“This is for hurting my girlfriend and mum” Louis said and punched him

When he finished dad got up and told me to go with him

“No I’m not leaving” I say

“Valarie lets go now” he says

“No” I say

“Don’t make me pull you” he says

“Go on then, but I’m not leaving” I say and hug Louis and kiss him and dad storms off and I go check Jay and she said she was fine.

I apologized for my dad’s behaviour and she was fine and went to bed for a bit and then we cooked dinner for her and did a few things round the house and then we called the police and I told them everything and they said he wouldn’t be getting out and went and arrested him. They said we would have to go to court which I was fine with as long as he got his punishment.

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