chapter 10

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Louis’ pov

So mum comes home today with the twins and me and Valarie got up early so we could get the house ready, it was Saturday as well and I hate getting up early at the best of times but I was woken up by a kiss on the lips and little ones jumping. I got up and Valarie was ready and so were the girls. That’s why I loved her because she did everything and before I got up well most of it anyway. I was going to ask if Valarie could move into my room or we could move into hers as it was larger and mine is a box pretty much.

Mark said they were coming home at 10 and it was now 8 and we were cleaning and we made a banner and put it up. We all got a cake which said congratulations and then mark texted me at 9 to tell me they were leaving and would be back at 10 because it took an hour to get home. We all sat down and put everything out and played games and did stuff and then 10am came and a car pulled up in the driveway, I turned off the light and told everyone to hide and we all hid.

“Why’s it so dark in here, aren’t the kids up” I hear mum say and she turns the light on and we say surprise

“Aw guys you didn’t have to do this” she says and hugs us all

“Did you know about this” she says to mark and he nods and she hits him saying that wasn’t nice

We all had a bit of cake and then the new twins needed feeding and then put them to sleep, and then she came back downstairs and then she said goodnight and before she went to bed I caught her

“Mum can I ask you something” I say

“Sure what is it Louis” she says

“Can Valerie move into my room or me move into hers” I say

“Sure Louis” she says and says goodnight and I say night

I pull Valarie into the kitchen and ask her to sit down

“Babe, I love you okay. But I want you to move into my room or I could move into yours” I say

“Sure babe, move into mine though as yours in a box” she says and kisses my lips

“Okay then, let’s get my stuff then” I say and she nods and we go move everything into her room

By the time we were done, dinner was ready and we ate and then went to bed as we were tired as it had been a busy, busy day.

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