chapter 116

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Valarie's pov

So we are in Nottingham today and I don't know a lot about here but all I know is that the arena is massive. We decided today would be a relax day just us and the Wii playing games and playing with Dylan and watching films. We all got up and sat down and had breakfast and then we went and started to watch a film. We decided to watch the Hunger games and when it was finished we watched the rest of them. When they were finished we decided to play on the Wii, we made some lunch and ate that and then the boys had to go practise, so we and Danielle decided to play just dance of course she won.

When the boys came back we were in the kitchen making cakes and treats and there was a warm batch of cookie on the counter so we said they could have some and they said they were delicious, we carried on baking until they left for the actual concert. I gave Louis a kiss for good luck and then they left and me and Dani started with dinner.

"So what should we cook them tonight" she said

"I don't know, we want something different I suppose don't we" I say and she nods

"Let me go get one of my cook books and see what they say" I say and get up and grab one and sat down

"That looks good" she says and it was mushroom burgers, with other food on the side

"Yeah we can do that" I say and close the book

We grab everything we need and cooked the mushrooms, it was good because Zayn could eat it, him being vegetarian and all, then we cooked other things like potatoes and did some salad. When it was done the boys had come in and we asked what they wanted in their buns for the mushroom and they said what they wanted and we plated up.

When we gave it to them, we all dag in to the burgers and they were gorgeous, the boys decided to wash up for a change so we could have a break. Liam was doing dishes in bubbles, then Harry was doing dishes in hot water, Louis was drying and Niall and Zayn were putting away. It didn't take them long but it was nice to have a break for a change so me and Danielle went and played with Dylan until he fell asleep in his bed. He was getting bigger each day but he was adorable.

When the boys were done they came and sat down and we watched another film, this time the fault in our stars, it didn't only have us girls in tears but it had all the boys as well, we soon went to sleep and it was peaceful.

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