chapter 123

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Newcastle for the next two days and we were staying in a hotel, which me and Val always look forward to because we can have private time together without any interruptions and when I say private I mean sex and cuddles and having the door locked so the boys can't disturb us. But this time is different because we can't have sex, that's because Val is on her lady time and she hasn't been feeling her best so I think it will be cuddles and me making her feel better. See I do care for my women not just have sex with them. Anyway as I said we are in Newcastle and I remember when we came here and Cheryl showed us around. So I knew roughly what to do there but we all decided that we would probably stay in the hotel while we are waiting for practise and stuff because we weren't that bothered about doing much we mainly wanted to rest after time on the road.

We just pulled up at our hotel and Paul got us in the hotel safely and he went and checked us in and we got our keys, we then made our way up to our separate rooms and when we got in I took mine and Val's bags to the bedroom and then when I came out I saw Val sound asleep with Dylan lying next to her curled up in a ball. I smiled and moved Dylan and put him in his bed and then picked up Val and placed her in our bed. I cuddled up next to her and she snuggled into me and then she opened her eyes and I looked down at her.

"Babe, why don't you go back to sleep" I say

"I can't though" she says

"Why ever not" I say

"My stomach hurts" she says

"Oh baby, do you want me to rub it" I say and she nods

"Okay then turn over" I say and does and I put my arm round her waist and start to rub her stomach and she fell asleep soundly, I carried on until I fell asleep

When we woke up, we both had a shower and then went down for dinner, then after everyone was going to the club and I wanted to go but Val didn't as she was still tired so I said I would stay with her but she did want me to go so I did.

When we arrived at the club we did a few drinks and then 3 hours later we left, me and Liam were sober and so was Danielle. But Perrie, Niall, Harry and Zayn weren't so we had a struggle to get then back, when we did I helped put Harry and Niall in their rooms and then went into our room and I went into our room and Val was asleep. I kissed her forehead and stripped to my boxers and climbed into our bed, she turned over and cuddled into me and we both fell asleep in peace.

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