chapter 145

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Valarie's pov

Rosemont what a lovely name for a Village, there wasn't much to do here at all as the town was so small so we decided we would just walk around the village and hopefully see some of the boys fans, we all got up and ready and then we left the bus and the venue where the boys would perform tonight. We hadn't had breakfast so we stopped in a little café where we had breakfast and then left there and walked around some more, we stopped in a couple of the local shops and then when we were going back we saw some fans, they asked pictures of the boys and then when we were about to leave the little girl asked me a question

"Valarie can I have a picture with you and Louis please" she says

"Certainly, what's your name sweetie" I say

"Lucy" she says

"Well Lucy let me go get Louis and we can have a photo" I say and she nods and I go get Louis for our photo

We posed and she thanked us, and we said bye to the fans we saw and went back to the bus where the boys went and got ready and practised for tonight's show, when they had finished they waited back stage until it was time to go on, and they had so much fun doing it, they do love to perform and always do, when they came back we had a bit of a meal before we all went to bed after a tiring day

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