chapter 148

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Valarie's pov

Okay so the boys are in Las Vegas today and I am the only girl left as Danielle had to go because X factor was being recorded and she needed to learn dances and stuff. So she had to go which I can understand so I was okay with it, Liam however didn't like the fact that he couldn't see his girlfriend everyday like I could see Louis. I did have thoughts about going back to England so the two could stick together. When I went and told Liam my plan, he went 'you can't leave Louis will be in pieces because you are always around him and he would miss you, don't worry about me I'll be able to see Dani soon. It's hard at the moment but I'll be fine' so I decided I would stay.

Today as there wasn't anything to do in Vegas only at night we decided to stay on the bus and relax, Liam decided he was going to skype Dani so went to the bunk room and skyped her. While me, Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn decided to watch a film. The film they picked though sounded boring to me and Louis so we decided to take Dylan for a walk, so I put Dylan's stuff on and Louis grabbed my hand and lead me out the bus. We walked around for a little bit holding hands and his giving me the odd kiss which the fans that were outside went crazy about and Louis went and signed somethings while some girls wanted to pet Dylan which he loved. We had to leave though five minutes after as Dylan was getting bothered so we took him back to the bus and when he got in he went and got a drink and laid down in his bed. We sat and watched the rest of the film the boys had put on until there was a knock at the door, I went and answered it and it was Lou, she gave me a hug and the boys went to get their hair and make-up done and I went with them.

Once they had their hair and make-up done they got dressed and went and practised before they sat down and did not speak, it was to rest their vocals before they went on and it was quite funny to be honest because they never shut up, luckily I had Lou to talk too, and I got to ply with baby lux. She was the cutest little thing. When it was time to go on we gave them hugs and I gave Louis a kiss for good luck and they went on stage.

When it was time to come of stage Paul grabbed me and took me to the bus before the boys did as the wanted me on before anyone and when the boys were all on we went and sat down and ate some food I prepared and then all went to bed as we were all super tired

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