chapter 110

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in west cliff on sea apparently it's on the south coast, but I've never been here. I've been to the south east of England but not here before. I woke up and Val was still asleep cuddled up with Dylan cuddled at our feet. As I moved he raised his head and I got out and he stood there and I got him out and he walked to his litter box and I emptied it and made it fresher and then fed him. Liam then got up and we cooked breakfast, we cooked pancakes with Chocolate chip and blueberries. Chocolate chip pancakes are Val's favourite and she needed a little pick up after the incident yesterday.

She soon woke up and we all ate and got ready for the day, we were going into the town and then practising for tonight and then doing the show. When we left a car came and picked us up and they said we would have security per two people so me and Val went together, Danielle and Liam went together and Niall, Harry and Zayn went together. Me and Val had Paul which he is always the best, we went in a couple of shops and then Val went into Victoria secrets, me and Paul stayed outside only by Paul pulling me out and then she came out with a bag. I knew what she would do the next time we were in a hotel.

We went back and I tried to look in the bag and she said no and she put in the bag which we would take to the hotel and locked it so I couldn't get in. that remind me when we it's my birthday we were in Doncaster in our flat there so we would hopefully do something then.

We went and did our practise and the girls staying in the bus today and then we got ready for the show and did the actual show.

When we went back the girls had dinner on the sofa and it was pulled pork in a barbeque sauce and wraps and whenever Val did it, it was beautiful. We then all snuggled on the sofa well me and Val did and so did Liam and Danielle and watched the film.  When it was over Val was long asleep so I picked her up and took her to the beds and laid her down. I then went and said night to the others and picked Dylan up and laid him town as well and climbed in. Val snuggled into me and we interlocked our legs and I whispered goodnight and I love you and she murmured a I love you too and closed my eyes and fell deep asleep

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