chapter 70

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Louis’ pov

Okay so its judge’s houses, we went and we got there and we decided to go to the beach and I caught my foot and we came out and it went swollen really badly and it was so sore. We sent him to the hospital as it was so bad. I felt like I let the guys done, we hadn’t practises much and now this, I was hoping this week quick. They needed me,

When I was out the team can picked me up, when I got there they ran to me and grabbed me minding my foot of course, they said it was swollen and it should go down in a couple of days.

“Good to see you too” I said

“What was it” Liam asked

“Sea urchin” I say

They picked me up and we did a little more practise before our performance, luckily I got here quickly.

We went on and Simon smiled and asked what I did and I told him, he asked if it was painful and I said it was very painful and he asked if I was okay and I said I was good. I’m good because I could go forward in this competition with these boys and I hope we do as well. The song started and we did our singing and then Simon said ‘see you later’ with a smile and we left. We wanted this just as much as anyone but I wanted a lot more. We hugged Dermot and then went back and waited.

We just were about to be told if we were going through or not, he asked if we knew why he had done it and we said yes, he said there were weaknesses at boot camp and we make it stronger as a five. He said it worked though even if we were at a disadvantage with the time. He said we were through and we all smiled and we hugged Simon. I grabbed my phone and called Valarie

“Hi babe” I say

“Hey baby, how did it go” she says

“Its bad news” I say

“Oh really, what happened” she says

“Only that we are through to live shows” I say

“Oh my god babe, I’m so proud of you” she says

“I cannot wait to see you babe, I missed you. I mean I needed you when I got hurt but at least we are through and I’ll see you soon” I say

“Yep see you soon” she says

“I love you” I say

“Love you too baby” she says

“Bye babe” I say

“Bye baby boy” she says and ends the call

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