chapter 144

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are in Detroit today and we were staying on the bus today as they did say to us we could visit the international waterfront but we weren't really interested in that so we decided to stay on the bus. Me and Val were slaving away in the kitchen while everyone else was watching a movie, so we said they were washing up which they were not happy about but they were still going to do it, we said Danielle or Liam didn't because they had been cleaning the bus all day and Niall didn't have to either because he had taken Dylan out a lot. So only Harry and Zayn had to clean up.

After we had finished cooking and help clean with Danielle and Liam we decided to sit down with Niall and Dylan and watched a film while Zayn and Harry cleaned until we had to go on stage. The girls came down and gave us good luck hugs and kisses, and then we went onto the stage.

When we came off stage we had a quick shower and then we had to get on the bus quickly, when we were on the bus door shut and we sat down and ate while the driver drove our bus to the next destination. When we finished dinner we had cake and ice cream that me and Val had made today and then watched a film and went to bed as we were all tired.

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