chapter 174

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1 month later

Valarie's pov

I woke up feeling really sick and I thought it would brush over but that's not what my stomach thought. I ran to the bathroom and collapsed in front for the toilet throwing up. Louis came in 5 seconds later and held my hair and rubbed my back softly. I finished throwing up the contents that was in my stomach. I brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth and Louis hugged be from behind but I turned around and hugged him fully. I sobbed and I thought about the side effects. I think I'm pregnant but I need to have a test. I had all the side effects, I missed my period this month, I had thrown up, and we were intimate a month ago.

"Babe why were you sick did you eat something" Lou says

"Well you know we had sex a couple of weeks ago I think I might be pregnant" i say

"How do you know" he says

"Well let's face it we had sex a few weeks ago, I have thrown up and my period is late so can you possibly go out and get some pregnancy tests for me please" i say

"Sure babe" he says and I go back to sleep while he goes out to buy tests for me

While he was out I did some research on symptoms and one said breast nipple darkening so I checked mine and they were and then it said frequent peeing which I have. Louis came back and handed me the test. I did the test and 5 minute timer was set. 5 minutes later the test went off and it said


I was going to have a baby now all I need to do is tell Louis

Louis' pov

I heard the locks go as Val came out with the test in her hand and looked sad

"It's not good news, its great news" she says

"What do you mean" I say and she sits next to me handing me the test


"You're pregnant" I say

"We're having a baby Louis you're going to be a dad" she says

"This is great news babe" I say and kiss her

"We won't tell the boys until the 3 month scan because anything could happen" she says

"Sure that's fine I just can't believe we are going to be parents" I say

"It's normal to be shocked Louis" she says

"I know hopefully nothing will go wrong" i say

Best day ever I'm going to be a dad just as long as nothing happens, we phoned my parents and they were so happy for us, Mum said she was going to tell Valarie's dad which he may not care anyway

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