chapter 24

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Valarie’s pov

So we leave Paris today and I can tell you I didn’t want to leave. I just want to stay here for ever with Louis and not have to deal with school and everything that has gone on before but we still had college and family to think off. We got up early and made sure we had everything and then checked out of the hotel and got in a cab they had called us to get us to the airport. When we got there we checked ourselves in and we saw our bags go and then we went through security and then we got to duty free and got a few treats for the plane. We then sat down for a bit and then our flight was called and we got on straight away. When we were in the air I leaned on Louis and ended up falling asleep. He took off my seatbelt and put the arm rest up and then laid my head in his lap.

When we were about to land Louis woke me up and I kissed his lips and then sat up and put my belt back on and then the plane landed. We got off and went through security and grabbed our bags and then we saw Jay and the girls and then went to the car. When we got home we told them all about our trip and how amazing it was and we said we would take the girls to Disneyland one day. We then unpacked and went to bed as we were both jetlagged but we got up when dinner was ready then went back to sleep as it was Louis’ birthday in two days and we had to get everything ready for a brilliant surprise.

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