chapter 91

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Valarie’s pov

Okay we were in the amazing Aberdeen, in Scotland where some of my family had originated from including my horrible dad who is now in prison, even if he only has a couple more years in there, my life has been so much better since I have lived with the Tomlinson’s and I have been with Louis. I didn’t have to worry about being beaten if I was late home, or anything and I knew I was safe while I was there. Anyway, I woke up and Louis wasn’t next to me, I got off my bed and checked his and he was soundly asleep. I closed the curtain and went and started to cook breakfast and also cookies for later.

I just put the cookies in and I decided to make some cupcakes as well and they went in as well when Liam came out, he said morning and sat down and I made him a cup of tea and made myself one while I stood and cooked bacon and pancakes and stuff like that for breakfast. He didn’t look happy and I asked him what was wrong and he said, his girlfriend broke up with him and I went and hugged him and said it would be okay.

You see his girlfriend was Danielle Peazer, a dancer on the show. I said there would be someone else out there and he said your right and we finished cooking breakfast and he helped my do the cookies and things. He then went for a shower and came back and the boys woke up and we all had breakfast and got ready for the day.

We went out and did a bit of sightseeing and I took the camera and took pics of the boys looking at things, we also went to a couple of shops before I went to the bus and uploaded pictures and did a bit more baking, I made a big chocolate cake and also some brownies and I made sure we had ice cream so they could have it with it and luckily we did but I made some just in case.

The show that night went well and we went back to the bus where I cooked dinner and they all helped and then we had desert and we sat and watched a movie, me and Louis cuddled together, zayn and Liam shared a sofa and harry and Niall sat on the floor.

 Soon the boys one by one went to bed until me and Louis were left and we then turned everything off and went to bed ourselves, Louis got under the duvet in my bunk and we cuddled together just like always when we were home.

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