chapter 63

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Louis’ pov

Today we finish for Easter break and I love Easter so I can’t wait. I woke up and got Val up as well and she looked as pale as day, I told her to go back to sleep and she went no she was fine, she got up and then she sat back down again.

“Babe, you’re not fine. Tell you what, as it’s the last day I’ll look after you” I say

“Baby, you shouldn’t need to do that, I can look after myself” she says

“No, I will take care of you. Now go to bed and I’ll call up the college” I say

I went and called the college and told them what happened and they said it was fine and they would say we were ill and then I went back to our room and found Valarie sound asleep. I kissed her head and then closed the curtains and left our room. Mum asked why I was still home and I told her everything and she was fine and told me too take her a glass of water; I did as I was told and placed it on the side when I took it up. I sat on our bed and kept on checking on her.

She soon fluttered her eyes and I asked if she was okay and she noticed the glass of water and she drank it. I went and got a couple of snacks and things and then I put a film on and we sat and relaxed and watched films. There was nothing really to do, she soon fell asleep again and I slept next to her as well, I cuddled into her and she cuddled into me.

We soon woke up and we ate some food and helped the girls with their homework and then Val went to bed again and I said I would be up soon and she said okay and I kissed her goodnight. When I was ready to go to bed I said night and then cuddled next to Val and made sure we had everything and she woke up and noticed me and then cuddled into me and got comfy. I kissed her head and then fell asleep next to her.

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