chapter 109

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Valarie's pov

Okay so the boys are in Watford today, it's the first show and the boys are so excited to see the fans. When we arrived at the venue they discussed the set list which was the order the songs would go in and when they would talk. Me and Danielle sat in the front row while they practised and Dylan sat on my lap and wiggled about. He saw Louis and wanted to go up there and I couldn't. Louis saw him and came down and picked him up and brought him on to the stage and he ran about with the boys.

When they finished with the songs and practise we all went back to the bus, Louis walked Dylan up to the bus and there were some fans outside, the boys went and signed things and when I went up the stairs I heard someone say


I didn't take any notice because if I told the boys they would think I was lying. I climbed the stairs and looked at Danielle and I burst into tears, she gave me a giant hug and then shh'd me. She took me to the sofa and we sat and spoke about it and I told her it had been going on for a while and that's when Louis came in

"You have been getting hate for how many months" he says

"2" I say

"Babe why didn't you say anything" he says and hugs me

"Because I knew you would probably tell me I'm lying and say your fans wouldn't do that" I say and he grabs my face and turned it to look at him

"I would never say that honey, now where is this hate" he says and I show him

"Right I'm sending a tweet saying you are not any of this, boys get in here" he says and they all come in and we tell them everything and they sent tweets out

'@Louis_Tomlinson: all of you that hate my beautiful girl should be ashamed of yourselves, she is not a slut and she isn't using me. So please don't hate @Val_brown cause she is the most gorgeous girl I have ever met and I love her so much xx'

'@Harry_Styles: Please don't hate on @Val_brown she doesn't deserve it and she is the best girl Louis has ever had and they are happy, please don't hate x'

'@Real_Liam_Payne: please don't hate the best girl in the world @Val_brown she is happy with Louis and he is happy with her, why would you do this its not nice, please don't continue because we will find out'

'@Zaynmalik1d: Please don't hate our sister @Val_brown she hasn't done anything to you, Louis and her are in Love and you can't stop someone's love for someone, please don't hate her anymore'

'@niallofficial: I hate to say this to fans but fuck off with the hate for @Val_brown she doesn't deserve this and hasn't done anything wrong apart from falling in love and that's not a crime so please stop'

When they went on stage that night there were posters saying no hate on Val and they brought me out and I smiled and I said thank you and they sat me and Danielle on the mini sofa they had and they sang more than this and me and Louis stood there hugging each other. He did this while he was singing and then we stayed on for the rest of the night.

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