chapter 131

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Valarie's pov

Okay so we leave Belfast today as we go on our break, then after that we are off to Australia. When I was little I always wanted to go to Australia, and now I get the chance too and I get to experience it with my boyfriend.

Anyway I woke up and we all got ready and packed a few clothes for our trip home. We all left the bus and got on a plane that was taking us home and then we all sat and talked. Niall ended up eating as he had no breakfast and so did I because I was hungry. We all ended up watching a film as well and then it was time for landing. When we landed we grabbed our bags and the driver took us to our separate places, they took me and Lou home first and when we got in the first thing I did was washing.

When I had finished we decided to order pizza for dinner because I couldn't be bothered to cook. While we were watching our films I fell asleep and I felt Louis pick me up and then lay me down in our bed. Luckily I was in my pyjamas, anyway he obviously stripped down and climbed in and I snuggled up to his warm chest and I fell asleep in peace

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