chapter 89

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Louis' pov

So we are in Cheryl's hometown today and she was showing us around, we all got ready and we were all in 3 quarter lengths as it was warm and the girls were in shorts. Val got off and brought the camera and was also wearing shorts and a vest top as it was so warm. We walked round and then we brought some stuff before we all went and practised for the performance later, we were singing 2 songs tonight and then we would be off to a new place.

We got back and then did a quick run through and then had our makeup, hair and everything done and then we went on, the fans were loud and then when we finished Val came back stage and we all had a shower and got on the bus and Val uploaded more pictures. Every photo we had we would save and keep. We also skyped our families and they asked us how we were doing and then we did a twitcam for all our fans and I showed off Val to everyone. Some were asking questions and she went off to answer a call, it was Lola and I knew about the argument. I saw she was getting angry and then I heard screaming and shouting. I went and calmed her down and then she ended it and cried on my shoulder and I calmed her down quietly. I asked her what happened and she said Lola was having a go because of university and asked to see her but Val can't cause she is on tour with us and Lola got angry but knew she couldn't. Val went to bed early and I joined her and the boys asked if she was okay and I said yeah just friend problems and she cuddled in to me.

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