chapter 155

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Valarie's pov

Okay so the boys and I are in Dallas today, and we only had 7 more shows until we actually finished which was amazing. I actually enjoyed touring with the boys. Today we were visiting Dallas zoo, I do love the zoo I think they are fantastic but I don't like animals in cages, but if they are endangered you do what you have to do. We all got up early and had breakfast and then got ready to leave. When we got in the van Liam sat in the front, Niall sat with me and Louis and then Harry and Zayn sat in the back.

We arrived at the zoo and then brought our tickets and they let us in, we went round all the enclosures and then had a bit of lunch before leaving so the boys could do 1 of their 7 concerts. When we got back, the boys ran to get make-up and hair done and I went to the bus and found a sleeping Dylan on the sofa. I decided to start making dinner and when they were about to go on I went and said good luck to them all.

When the concert had finished dinner was on the table and Dylan was fed. I plated up and the boys came in and we sat down and ate. When we had finished the boys washed up and had showers and then we all sat down and watched some TV and then went to bed. Today was so much fun

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