chapter 45

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so today we go on half term and I can’t wait, I have no homework unlike everyone else as they are not up to date on their coursework and I am and so is Lola as well. So have no homework what so ever. From what I heard Louis doesn’t have any homework either as he is up to date in all his subjects which is always good because we can spend time with each other which we always look forward too. I know we spend time with each other all the time but not that much as we always have homework.

Anyway I woke up this morning and went and had a shower and when I came out Louis was still asleep, I sat on my side of the bed in my towel and touched his cheek and kissed his neck and he moaned. I stopped and he opened his eyes and I leaned down and kissed his lips and then he laid me down and climbed on top of me

“Good morning baby” he says

“Morning sexy” I say

“You don’t know how bad I want you right now and how sexy you look” he says

“Well if you lucky maybe later” I say and he kissed my neck

“No, now” he moans

“Babe, we can’t” I say

“Fine, guess I better go get ready” he says

He climbs off me and sulks into the bathroom and I gets changed and walk in after him and he see him looking sad in the mirror and he looked at me in the mirror and does what he is suppose too. I go over to him and kiss his cheek

“I’m sorry babe” I say

“No baby its fine, if we did it now we wouldn’t stop” he says

“Exactly so tonight, after college. Me and you, local hotel” I say

“Okay then, at least your making it up too me” he says and hugs me

“I know, anyway let’s get to college” I say and he nods

We arrived and then got on with all our lessons and then when we finished we got on the bus and then we made sure we got home quickly, I booked the hotel when I was at college and we packed and said to Jay we were spending the night away and she was fine with it and we left and got a taxi to the hotel.

When we arrived I checked us in and then we got to the room and Louis swept me off my feet and took us to our room and we made each other feel good and then we got on with it, he said I made it up to him and then we went to bed, best night away

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