chapter 17

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Louis’ pov

Okay so today we get our GCSE’s results and I am so scared, what if I did badly and didn’t get the grades I wanted too, which then wouldn’t get me into college, so I can train as a teacher before I see if I can pursue my singing career. I woke up and Val was still sleeping so I left her to sleep. I grabbed my clothes well a pair of boxers and then went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up and then striped from my pyjamas and then stepped into the shower closing the door of it behind me, I washed my body and my hair with my body wash and shampoo and then I just stood there thinking. Was my singing career going to happen, if I went on x factor would they take me as a solo artist, or would they ditch me or put me in a band. I had all these worries but I shouldn’t be thinking about them as I’m only 16 turning 17 in 4 months and Val was a month after me. I shock the thoughts out of my head and stepped out the shower and dried myself off and then put my boxers on and left the bathroom. Val was sat up in bed and I went over to her side and kissed her cheek and she smiled and kissed my lips

“Morning baby” I say

“Morning sexy” she says

“Oh I get sexy now do I” I say and lean her down

“Yeah you do” she says and then flips us over and sits on my private area and I groan

“Oh I’m sorry baby, am I sitting somewhere I shouldn’t” she says in panic and goes to get off and I hold her hips in place where she was

“No you are fine, it’s just I think I’m getting a bit of a….” I say and she smirks

“Aw is my boo horny” she says and I nod

“Oh sweetie, well if you want we can say we are staying out tonight at a hotel and then we can do it, if we do it we may annoy your parents and also, it’s my first time” she says

“Well that’s good” I say

“Why” she says

“Because it’s my first time as well” I say and kiss her

“Really” she says and I nod

We ended up deciding we would go book a hotel on our way there and then say we are celebrating for our results, mum and Mark were fine with it. We packed a bag and then went and took them and booked the hotel and put them in the room they gave us and went to the school to get our results. When we got them, we went back to the hotel and opened them and I got A’s and B’s in all my subjects and the same for Val.

I kissed her and then she looked into my eyes and then I kissed her lips hard and we dropped our results and I picked her up. We continued to kiss until we got to our room and I laid her down on the bed. I went and looked the door and then came back and climbed on top of her again, I took of her top and she unbuttoned my polo and ripped it off and we continued to kiss. She flipped us over and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down and then I did the same with her and we both sat there in our underwear. She laid down and I went and laid on top of her and kissed her neck and unclipped her bra and chucked it somewhere. I touched her boobs and then I kissed down and got to her underwear and put them between my teeth and pulled them down. I took of my boxers and then sat there and looked her over,

“You ready” I say and she nods and I slide my fingers inside her

She moaned softly and I stopped and then grabbed a condom from the side where I put it and slipped it out and gave it to her, she put it between her teeth and put it over my huge erection, she then licked the underside of my penis and my breath hitched and then she put my whole dick in her mouth and started sucking and blowing on me and I moaned as it was so good, She took it out and kissed me so we could taste each other and then I laid her down I hovered above her and then whispered in her ear

“If it hurts tell me” I say and she nods and I enter

She groaned a bit the same as I did as it was both our first time and then we both met each other’s thrusts and she moaned

“Louis, faster” she says and I do as I’m told

We soon were in full screaming and moaning and she gripped my back which hurt but I left her to do it, I groaned in places but I was soon fine.4 rounds into it we were both losing pace

“Louis, I’m going to explode” she moans

“Hold on baby, just a couple more” I say and then we both explode on each other

We laid back down next to each other and we cleaned each other with our tongues and then kissed and tasted each other, she laid her head on my chest and we feel asleep, as it was 2pm and we had been at it for 3 hours.

We soon woke up and ordered food and had showers and then sat and watched movies all night, that was the best first time of my life and I can’t believe it was with the girl I really loved and I will love for the rest of my life.

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