chapter 14

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Louis’ pov

Okay so today is prom and yes I was going with Val and I could not wait. I got a limo arranged by Mark that she didn’t know about. But we were also staying at a hotel tonight because we would get home late and I wanted tonight to have no interruptions as we have been going out for 5 months today and I wanted to make it special. I didn’t want to have sex with her I just wanted to spend the evening and weekend together so I was taking her to London for a romantic weekend as cheesy as it sounds. I told her to pack some clothes for the weekend and she put them by the door and I took them and gave them to Mark who was taking them to the hotel.

I had to get dressed in my old room as I wanted Val to have the room to herself so I took my suit out of our room and everything else I needed and then went to my room. I went and had a shower and washed my body and hair and then got out and dried my body and hair and put my boxers on and then had a shave as well, as I had stubble and then I left the bathroom and went to my room. I blow dried the excess water off my hair and then styled it before I changed into my suit. I had a white shirt with a red tie, with black trousers and a black jacket and black shoes. I sprayed some cologne on myself and text Val

Hey baby, are you ready yet, I love you so much can’t wait to see you xxxx

She then replied

I sure am babe, I love you too. I bet you look as dashing as always xxxx

Okay I can come to the room or wait at the bottom of the stairs and I bet your just as beautiful as always xxxxx

Aw sweetie and wait at the bottom of the stairs, text me when you are down xxx

I put my phone in my pocket and made my way down the stairs and then, I saw mum and everyone. She kissed my cheek and everyone kissed my cheek well except Mark who gave me a hug. I text Val and said I was downstairs and I heard our door open. I then heard heels across the landing and then she started coming down the stairs and then I saw her. She had her hair pined back and her dress was neither long nor short. It was middle length and she looked beautiful no matter what. Her dress was red but on the chest had little diamond on it and she had silver heels. I kissed her and we had some photos together and then the limo arrived and I took her outside and she gasped and we climbed in

When we arrived we got out and had photos taken and then we went inside and we all sat with our friends and they also know that I was taking her to London but she didn’t. That sounds mean but it was a surprise. Anyway we ate the food and then we danced a bit and then me and Val left and we got in the limo who knew where to go.

When we arrived in London we got out and she gasped

“You’re joking me, Louis we are in London” she says

“I know baby, I arranged it. That’s why I asked for you to pack a bag, I wanted to give us a romantic weekend just me and you and we won’t have sex if you don’t want too and I’m not expecting you too, but happy 5th month babe. I love you so much” I say and kiss her

“Aw baby, I love you too. Happy 5th month” she says and we go inside and check in and go to our room

As I took my laptop I got net flicks and we watched films with room service as well, we feel asleep in bed with our Pyjamas on in each other’s arms.

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