chapter 121

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Louis' pov

Okay so we are now in Glasgow, it took us two days to travel here but it was fine because we were on the bus and had everything we needed. Everyday Val and Danielle cooked for us and we had so much fun, especially because we got cupcakes and cookies every day. Anyway as I said we are in Glasgow and it's raining here, when they saw Scotland is miserable they meant it. As we were in an arena it didn't matter too much, we decided to stay on the bus though even though we wanted to go out of the bus, which we did decide, we were going to mess around in the grounds. And as I was the only one that could drive I got in one of the golf carts and drove it found messing around in it. The security guards could not stop us, so we could practise so they went and got Val and Danielle and I stopped when I saw Val and gave her a kiss on the lips but she took the opportunity to take the key.

"There you go Paul" she says

"Thanks Valarie, now GET TO WORK BOYS" he says and we all go

When we had finished we went back to the bus for a rest and all that rubbish, then when we got up we all went back stage and got ready and Valarie and Danielle took the opportunity to take Dylan for a walk and then they went back to the bus, they were going to make dinner in all fairness, so before they left Val and Danielle gave me and Liam a kiss, obviously Val kissed me and Danielle kissed Liam but anyway we then went on stage and enjoyed ourselves

When we came off stage we had to change and rush to the bus as we were off to our next location so we had to go, when we got there dinner was ready and we were having pulled pork in a barbecue sauce which homemade chips and salad and got Zayn he had pasta, we all ate and then had showers, then all went to sleep as we were tired.

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