chapter 21

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Valarie’s pov

Okay so today we are going to the Eiffel tower, I woke up on my own and naked and the memories of last night came flooding back and I smiled. I grabbed a pair of Pyjamas and put them on and then went into the room and I saw Louis cooking some breakfast. I went up to him and put my arms round his waist and he jumped.

“Oh it’s just you Val” he says

“I’m sorry baby, yes of course it’s me” I say and kiss his cheek and went and sat at the breakfast bar and he came over with a bacon sandwich he made

“Thanks babe” I say and he kissed my lips

“I didn’t give you a good morning kiss” he says and I smile

“Well at least I got it now” I say

We ate our breakfast and then we went in the shower one at a time and then got dressed and then we left the room making sure we had everything with us. We left the hotel and luckily it was a five minute walk. When we got there I smiled and Louis kissed my lips when we were under it and we went and brought some tickets and went inside. We got on the lift and went to the first floor, we looked around and took a picture from there and then got on the next lift for the second floor before we got to the top and we looked out the windows and it looked amazing. We went up another flight of stairs and then we were at the top and we took some pictures of us kissing it was fantastic. We went back down to the first floor and got some souvenirs and then went back to our hotel and had a bit to eat and then went to bed and watched films and then went to sleep, as tomorrow we were of to Disney land where the magic begins no matter how old you are.

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