chapter 107

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Louis' pov

I pulled up in our drive at our flat and got out and locked the door to my car. I breathed in and out and then grabbed my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door and let myself in. the waft of cakes and cookies came to my nose and I followed the smell to the kitchen where I saw my Val leaning over just taking cakes out the over, when they were on the cooker I grabbed a tea towel and whipped her ass and she screamed

"Louis" she says

"Hey babe" I say smiling

"You're gonna get it" she says and ball slaps me and I end up on my knee's

"Proves not to play with me or slap me with a towel" she says

"Okay babe, I'm sorry" I say getting up and hug her

"Its fine baby" she says and kisses my lips

"I have something to ask you" I say

"What is it" she says and I say sit down and we do

"Well you know I had the tour meeting for the UAN tour well, Liam is bring Danielle and I was wondering if you want to come along" I say

"Really babe" she says and I nod

"Oh my god yes, but what about Dylan" she says

"He's coming too, the boys love dogs and love you too come" I say

"Well okay then how long" she says

"A year" I say

"That's enough we can do it" she says

"I'm so glad you can come" I say and kiss her lips

That night Val and me cooked dinner and just relaxed, Dylan was cuddled on Val's lap and she was stroking him softly, he never really barked but when he did it was high pitched but cute. We went to bed and Dylan cuddled in his bed and me and Val cuddled each other.

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