chapter 75

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Louis’ pov

Living the x factor house so far is amazing; it’s good to be in a group because if we ever have any problems or are on the flip side I have these 4 to turn too. Me and Val had an argument because I didn’t call her as much as I would like too. The boys helped me through it and I sent her some flowers to say how sorry I was and it was my fault and she accepted my apology and that when I got to see her I will make it up to her. But we have been texting and calling none stop. We all stay in one room, and it’s what you would expect for a boys room. It’s a tip most of the time and when I say most I mean all the time. I am so the messiest and even everyone agreed on that, we are the only group left and we want to win so badly. We want to do him proud and pay him back for everything he has done for us.

The VT played and we came on to that stage, we were singing kids in America as it was America Week; none of us knew where it came from but anyway. We sang and then judge time

“Boys, one direction, a brilliant way to end the show, listen everywhere I go the hysteria is building on this band and you remind me a little bit of West life, take that, boy zone. You could be the next big band. I love everything about the performance but Simon one point; I need to get my rule book out. The theme is America anthems; this song isn’t even a hit in America. It was like Kim Wilde recorded a song, boys this isn’t your fault. But Kim Wilde is from London it is not an American anthem so you cheated, your mentor has cheated” Louis said

“It’s still kids in America” I said

“But it wasn’t a hit in America” Louis said

“it was great it had America  and it had lots of American cheerleaders and it was a great performance guys whether it is American or not, I don’t think vocally it was the best of the night but a great performance” Danni said

“That absolutely cheered me up and brightened up my night, I totally enjoyed that performance, you are great kids and I love chatting to you backstage, you are just good, nice lads. Great performance. Good song choice I have to give that to you but it isn’t American obviously” Cheryl said

“Well you know what guys, you know when you came out like sunshine on a beautiful day and I’ve said this before and then Louis the thunder cloud comes along and dribbles on everything that is happy, what was the song called?” Simon said

“It’s called Kids in America, but it’s not an American anthem, I know you had your glasses on but I think it needed a little bit more thought behind it” Louis said

“We’ll change the subject now, anyway taking all that rubbish to one side because it wasn’t about the artist, it was about the song title. You lot got it wrong, it was without question, your best performance by a mile, seriously on the money” Simon said

Dermot did his bit and then we went off the stage

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