chapter 28

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Louis’ pov

Okay so its Val’s birthday today and we all did what she did for my birthday accept we had a party planned as well this was in a big hall. We got everything ready and then we heard footsteps and hid and turned the lights off and then she turned them on and we shouted surprise and we all hugged her and then I kissed her. We all gave her presents and ate breakfast and then we got ready as I was taking Val shopping while mum and the girls and mark got the party ready.

While we were shopping I gave her a budget I wasn’t being tight it’s just she wouldn’t let me buy her anything so I said I would give her some money to buy something otherwise she wouldn’t buy anything at all. When we were in the last shop mum phoned and said we could come back and get ready before we take her to the party. We went back home and got dressed and then went to the party and we covered her eyes and then we got here out and we went in and then we took the blind fold off and then everyone shouted surprise and then we all celebrated and then Valarie did a speech

“Okay, I would like to thank everyone for being here tonight on my birthday it’s been one of the best I have ever had since my mum died. I would like to thank Jay and mark for taking me in when I had nowhere to go, the girls for treating me like a sister. I feel like I’m one of you, the person I would like to thank more is Louis. Babe, you have been my best friend and always listened to me and I wouldn’t be here without you. I love you so much”

She got down and then we all continued to party and then everyone left and then we tidied up and then went home ourselves.

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